I’m pretty content with the outcome of with my work with our Digital Storytelling Unconference’s website, coming up with the wireframe and visual design. It was an interesting experience, as it was a bit different than designing for a client, in that I was also invested in this as a co-organizer of the event. Really had to step back to get clear perspectives on it now and again. Designing for oneself can be a beast, as we as designers have lots of ideas, and being it’s something personal, we can change our minds and have a harder time being objective. I much prefer designing for someone because I get to be objective, analyze, strategize, and execute without too much attachment to the visual aspect of it.
This project was a great experience, to have worked on versions of a wireframe for our team to agree on, then provide the visual design. I opted to go for a clean look, as that is my style at any rate, but in particular, I had wanted the words to be the focus, our story of how this event came to be, and what we hoped to achieve, in bringing likeminds of multidiscipline professionals together to have discussions around storytelling within the digital space, perhaps on how we can innovate better user experiences, or for advocacy, sharing of knowledge… The possibilities could be infinite.
The first draft of the visual design was well received, and in a weeks time, Tylor and Angela developed the site and it went live a few days ago!
The great stylized font used was selected by the talented Angela Rabideau, who is currently interning at Denim & Steel, who also designed the very fitting logo, representing essence of a story quilt. These two elements stood out enough to be the eye catching factor, so I kept them as is.
Check out the live site here: DigitalStorytellingUnconference.org
Perhaps you might be interested in joining our event. Hope to see/meet you there!