Kaishin Chu

Themia Theme : InkThemes – How to show full posts in the Blog Page

I see that quite a few folks have also been seeking the answer to: HOW TO SHOW FULL BLOG POSTS within the main BLOG PAGE. I like many of you searched through the support forum and have found contradicting partial solutions suggested by the support staff. None of which actually solves the requested solution we seek.

It took me a few tries, but here is what worked for me:

1. blog.php
revise to <?php the_content(); ?>  In place of <?php the_excerpt(); ?>

2. loop.php
revise to <?php the_content(); ?>  In place of <?php the_excerpt(); ?>

 That should do it, with the most recent update of Themia.
If you are using an older version and haven’t updated yet, you could still get the ‘Continue Reading…’ showing up, as it did for me prior to this weeks update… then you would have had to delete the line of <a href code that adds the ‘Continue Reading’ link as well.