Kaishin Chu

Volunteers help build new nature-themed playground at Grandview Elementary

VANCOUVER – More than 150 employees and clients from an online bank are taking the day off to spend it building a playground in one of Vancouver’s poorest neighbourhoods.

ING Direct clients, employees and local residents are spending a full day building a new outdoor playground at Grandview Elementary on Woodland Drive.

This isn’t just a basic playground. This one will include a hill slide, climbing boulder, water feature, amphitheatre, and fruit trees.

Grandview Elementary is unique in that it provides a safe haven outside school hours to 300 of Vancouver’s most at-risk kids.

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Yesterday, along with other volunteers, I was able to join in and help put together the final landscaping for the playground build out at Grandview Elementary, for their Earth School’s Natural Playground. It was a great experience, working with parks board employees from Ucluelet, fellow ING customers, and kids from the community, who are in need of a community center point that engages one of the poorest neighbourhoods. I mostly helped out with mortaring the water feature, working along with kids and guiding them in appyling the mosaic tiles. I can’t wait to go back next week to see the finished project. I’ll post some ‘after’ photos then 🙂