Kaishin Chu

Annual Reverse Riot Clean-up – Let's help Vancouver

< ![CDATA[Interested in continuing to show how amazing Vancouver and it's citizens are? Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/VancouverClean-Annual-Reverse-Riot/128382867245114 and @vancouverclean on twitter for updates on how to stay involved. *****Update***** VPD and the city say it is good to go! You can head down at anytime and start helping out. Granville st. is closed but everywhere else is open. Lets do this! Update: Looks like crews have already begun cleaning up which should mean we will be good to go at any time tomorrow. VancouverPD will be contacted in the morning to confirm, pay attention to the event and twitter (@Vancouverclean) * @vancouverclean - Tweet updates from the clean up! If anyone is there early or knows when the city is open and ready to be cleaned up tweet it so everyone knows! Once the embarrassing rioting has ended in Vancouver let's all show the world what Vancouver is really about by helping rebuild and clean up so it is better than it was before. If any city can bounce back from an embarrassment like this it is Vancouver! Invite all of your friends! Let's see if we can get Vancouver looking like a new city by noon Thursday! Things you will need: Gloves Garbage bags Friends and family Music? Smiles and Canucks spirit Police may not be ready to have people re enter the city - worried about continued looting etc. so lets start tentatively at 7am. It is very possible that will be postponed. I'm sure this group of people will be completely respectful and follow the orders of any officers. When: Saturday, June 16, 2012, 7-10:00am Attendees: 20 Comments: 0]]>

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