Kaishin Chu

Tag: creative

Stretching Creative Boundaries

Hope everyone has been having a great summer. It’s been nothing short of fabulous here in Vancouver, almost too busy with all the summer activities 😉 One nice activity has been my going to life drawing drop-in sessions this summer, to limber up my drawing skills, and ability to perceive form better. It’s been a […]

My Competitive Advantage: I Hire Artists – ChrisAshworth.org

My Competitive Advantage: I Hire Artists – ChrisAshworth.org. When I read the above article the first time, via my friend, <a href=”http://rachaelashe.com/2011/03/07/hire-me-hire-an-artist/”>Rachael Ashe</a>’s website, it had me feeling emotional. Second time around, it still pulls at my heart strings. His observations acknowledged how I often felt whenever my work overran my creative needs. I am an […]