Kaishin Chu

Category: general

"Only a few people can see but most people don’t even look."

Take street pictures because it hones your instincts for speed and for quick composition. But above all

Digital Storytelling Unconference

The Digital Storytelling Unconference is ON! It’s taking place on July 7th and early bird tickets are now available for a limited time. We’ve been working hard at putting together the final details of the event, to be hosted at The Network Hub in the River Market at New Westminster, and it’s got us really excited! It’s […]

Digital Storytelling in Vancouver… Let's Collaborate to Innovate

For the last few months I’ve been meeting with a team of folks, Todd Sieling & Tylor Sherman of Denim & Steel, and John Wellwood of Echo Memoirs on how to better accomplish story telling in the digital format, to still have as much purpose and engagement as the traditional person-to-person storytelling methods. Our small group grew out of the […]

My Competitive Advantage: I Hire Artists – ChrisAshworth.org

My Competitive Advantage: I Hire Artists – ChrisAshworth.org. When I read the above article the first time, via my friend, <a href=”http://rachaelashe.com/2011/03/07/hire-me-hire-an-artist/”>Rachael Ashe</a>’s website, it had me feeling emotional. Second time around, it still pulls at my heart strings. His observations acknowledged how I often felt whenever my work overran my creative needs. I am an […]