Kaishin Chu


Today's sketch: long pose life drawing session

Taken at Basic Inquiry Life Drawing Studio and Art Gallery

Moelleux au Chocolat avec gelato vanille

View from the cafe across the street #fb #sketch

Melancholy afternoon. #BurrardBridge #vancouver #ipad #paper53 #asketchaday #saturday

Itsy bitsy spider hanging out on Munny this morn'.

La Vie!

Palais de Justice – Rue de Harlay #paris #france #palaisdujustice

Burrard Bridge at Night

Peonies always brings happiness :)

Taken at Kaishin Creative Studio

Digital Storytelling Unconference

The Digital Storytelling Unconference is ON! It’s taking place on July 7th and early bird tickets are now available for a limited time. We’ve been working hard at putting together the final details of the event, to be hosted at The Network Hub in the River Market at New Westminster, and it’s got us really excited! It’s […]

Ribeye steak with red wine garlic and black pepper jus, on a bed of baby spinach

Taken at Dash of food

Visual Design | DSU Website

I’m pretty content with the outcome of with my work with our Digital Storytelling Unconference’s website, coming up with the wireframe and  visual design. It was an interesting experience, as it was a bit different than designing for a client, in that I was also invested in this as a co-organizer of the event. Really […]

Great point made – Strive For Work-Life Integration, Not Balance | Fast Company

Rather, we try to help them understand this: Accurately assessing the nature of their own personalities, their sense of self-identity, and the degree of control they have over their work and family lives is crucial to finding satisfaction. Balance is not the goal. Integration is. … More important is how they make you feel about […]

Personal growth brings wisdom, who knew ;)

It’s been 2 years since having moved back to Vancouver, and taken on the responsibilities of being the guardian for my elderly father with Alzheimer’s and delusional dementia. It has been the most intensive life experience out of my many years on this earth, and I feel proud to have managed to survive all the […]

Comics and UX, Part 1: Cross-disciplinary Techniques | UX Booth

via uxbooth.com Love the comparison here, showing the commonalities of cross-disciplinary techniques. It brings to mind my experience as a print catalogue designer. I also did mock-ups by hand sketch (of the layout and actual physical form of the catalogue), draft out the content list (site mapping), then wireframes with illustrator, then using Pagemaker or […]

It's time for an affogato :) #cafe #gelato #coffee #affogato

Taken at Dash of food

How to Create HTML & PDF Prototypes Using OmniGraffle Pro | AppNexus Tech Blog

via techblog.appnexus.com Perfect timing on finding this. Currently I’m learning how to use OmniGraffle, a step up from using free apps, such as Cacoo and MindNode. So far I like it, as it’s pretty comprehensive, my Adobe Illustrator knowledge definitely helps with faster adoption of this program I think. Btw, if you’ve come across any […]

Beautiful Designs by Svetlana Nezus

via home-designing.com Do you love interior design? You might just love these, I know I do 🙂

IxDA Vancouver: Interaction 12 Redux

via vanredux12.eventbrite.com Really looking forward to the recap of the IxDA Interaction 12 presentations today, along with three keynote speakers! Lots to learn 🙂

Weekend of Cooking

via instagr.am Today’s purchase from the Farmers Market @ Nat Bailey 🙂 This should be of help to boost up the immune! Post colds.