Kaishin Chu

Category: work

Service Design & Organizational Coaching

I began my career designing and developing high-performance apparel products while assisting in the broader needs of the companies I’ve worked for, such as organizational development, change management and culture cultivation. Due to developing a broad set of skills and interests, it was a natural transition for me to move towards solving challenges within in-house […]

Empathy & Engagement in the World of Design

Back in 2011, I attended The Design Thinking UnConference that was held in Vancouver, at the Emily Carr campus on Granville Island. I had been intrigued by the term, Design Thinking, it sounded like something that I did all the time, 24/7, yet it was a terminology that seemed vague to many, including myself . […]

Stretching Creative Boundaries

Hope everyone has been having a great summer. It’s been nothing short of fabulous here in Vancouver, almost too busy with all the summer activities 😉 One nice activity has been my going to life drawing drop-in sessions this summer, to limber up my drawing skills, and ability to perceive form better. It’s been a […]

Visual Design | DSU Website

I’m pretty content with the outcome of with my work with our Digital Storytelling Unconference’s website, coming up with the wireframe and  visual design. It was an interesting experience, as it was a bit different than designing for a client, in that I was also invested in this as a co-organizer of the event. Really […]

Great point made – Strive For Work-Life Integration, Not Balance | Fast Company

Rather, we try to help them understand this: Accurately assessing the nature of their own personalities, their sense of self-identity, and the degree of control they have over their work and family lives is crucial to finding satisfaction. Balance is not the goal. Integration is. … More important is how they make you feel about […]

Themia Theme : InkThemes – How to show full posts in the Blog Page

I see that quite a few folks have also been seeking the answer to: HOW TO SHOW FULL BLOG POSTS within the main BLOG PAGE. I like many of you searched through the support forum and have found contradicting partial solutions suggested by the support staff. None of which actually solves the requested solution we […]

Themia Theme : InkThemes – double post thumbnails/images

For those of you who updated the Themia theme recently, you may have noticed now blog posts will show double the images all of a sudden. It seems really odd that someone would change the code to do so. I actually suspect the support company they use, if this was thrown in to make work […]

Apathy and exclusivity…

Activist Dave Meslin argues that people often care, and that apathy is often the result of social systems actively obstructing engagement and involvement. He describes various obstacles that keep people from knowing how or why they might get involved in something. Meslin focuses on design choices that unintentionally or intentionally exclude people. via wikipedia.com Reading […]