Kaishin Chu


10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

Whitney Hess is an independent user experience designer, writer and consultant based in New York City. She authors the blog Pleasure and Pain. When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. I try to follow it up quickly by saying that I make stuff easy and […]

The Future Of Ethics In Branding | Fast Company

via fastcompany.com Very interesting read on advertising vs. ethics, and how the writer predicts for a rise in the importance of ethics in a company’s brand strategy. Yay! It’s about time I think. As the social media tools leads us all into being more transparent , forcing authenticity to matter in the forefront, ethics is […]

A Life drawing from last night's session. Can't believe that it has been nearly 20 yrs since I last did life drawings. It felt good.

Taken at Emily Carr University of Art & Design

First day of 38. Solo night out with the Perseids and Sunrise to kick off a new year.

First day of 38. Solo night out with the Perseids, a set on Flickr. It’s been a busy fall. I meant to share this with you soon after. Well, it’s better late than never at this point ;)… Via Flickr: For my 38th, filled with anticipation of a better year, I decided to spend it […]

Why Does Interaction Design Matter?

Why Does Interaction Design Matter? Let’s Look At The Evolving Subway Experience | Co. Design via fastcodesign.com Thanks to my Experience Design instructor, Todd Seiling, who shared this article with our class. I’m glad to hear about IxD becoming better recognized. It’s a new terminology for many, even for me, I’ve only heard the term […]

Designing Women: 25 Female Designers and Illustrators We Love| GOOD

via good.is Great selection of Female Designers and Illustrators chosen and highlighted by GOOD. I find it always inspiring to see what other designers are about and what makes them great 🙂

Moon Cakes | Autumn Moon Festival September 12, 2011

via urbandiner.ca For many years I’ve been introducing to new friends and old some of my Chinese heritage by the way of food and culture. One of my favorite is the Chinese Autumn Moon Festival or Harvest Moon Festival. It’s a tradition based on history and tales, but ultimately, it’s about bringing friends and family […]

PICNURBIA : Robson Street behind VAG

via looseaffiliates.com If you haven’t had the chance to check out Loose Affiliates‘ Picnurbia, please do. An engaging and interactive piece of public art that ‘provides a new experience of urban picnicking’. It’s great to see more public art within Vancouver, and that they are engaging the audience to be part of it 🙂 It’s […]

Multitasking Makes You Less Efficient: Study

You may think that coping with challenges in a busy workplace will impress your boss. Both of you, however, might be surprised to learn that juggling your assignments may be making you less, not more, efficient. That’s the conclusion of a study by management experts who looked at the effects of employees having to wear […]

A day at the playground: along with 180 volunteers from the GVRD

via vancourier.com Aww, here I am (lower right corner) with the Canada Parks Board Crew from Ucluelet, working on the mosaic at Grandview Elementary. It’s reported that the projected ended up with 180 volunteers, all ING customers and employees, with additional assistance from summer school kids from the neighbourhood, and little ones from Grandview Elementary […]

Volunteers help build new nature-themed playground at Grandview Elementary

VANCOUVER – More than 150 employees and clients from an online bank are taking the day off to spend it building a playground in one of Vancouver’s poorest neighbourhoods. ING Direct clients, employees and local residents are spending a full day building a new outdoor playground at Grandview Elementary on Woodland Drive. This isn’t just […]

Thinking By Design: Scientific American

Image: Yuji Sakai Getty Images In Brief People prefer big objects to small ones, round forms to sharp ones and complex designs to simpler renditions. Observers often pick a prototype as prettiest, but these “average” examples of a face, coach or pattern can bore an expert or even someone in a good mood. After a […]

I'm an advocator of UX in my design process and thinking, are you?

For most of my design career, I advocated the importance of a company’s mission statement or goals, it’s branding story, and fulfilling their target markets need – not just the physical apparel, but the emotional and feelings derived from using the product/service. Empathy is a huge part of what is important in my mind, as […]

Annual Reverse Riot Clean-up – Let's help Vancouver

< ![CDATA[Interested in continuing to show how amazing Vancouver and it's citizens are? Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/VancouverClean-Annual-Reverse-Riot/128382867245114 and @vancouverclean on twitter for updates on how to stay involved. *****Update***** VPD and the city say it is good to go! You can head down at anytime and start helping out. Granville st. is closed but everywhere else […]

Photo Time Capsule

via photojojo.com It’s so crazy to realize that 6 months has passed by when I just received this photo time capsule of my photos from half a year ago. 6 months ago that was a really chaotic time, it was the most chaotic time of my life with dad’s dementia hitting the peak and I […]

Hey Designers and Agencies, Stop Doing Spec Work! | Dave Harper Design

I had a recent experience where during the end of my pitch to a prospective client, they asked if I’d be willing to do some spec work in order to help them decide between me and the other competing agencies. I said no, explained why, and got the job a week later. To Designers Every […]

11 Simple Ways To Avoid Burnout – Stepcase Lifehack

Great little reminder of how to stay grounded each day and to avoid burnout – 11 Simple Ways To Avoid Burnout – Stepcase Lifehack.