Taken at Dash of food
Taken at Dash of food
via home-designing.com Do you love interior design? You might just love these, I know I do 🙂
via instagr.am Today’s purchase from the Farmers Market @ Nat Bailey 🙂 This should be of help to boost up the immune! Post colds.
via foodandtechconnect.com Zokos is a new startup that aims to make it easier for people to connect in real life – over food- by reducing what they have identified as the “barriers to entertaining.” Last week, the Brooklyn-based startup launched their first tool, a platform designed to help hosts manage an event and share the […]
“Undesign” Your Portfolio Website Apr 2 2012 by Kean Richmond | 17 Comments | Stumble Bookmark Even the most ineffective, unattractive or simple of man-made objects have been designed in some way. The same is true for the Web: Even the most hideous of websites are created by someone who has consciously made decisions into […]
via thenextweb.com I really like the below excerpt from the article: According to Braden Kowitz, a unicorn is “a magical designer that can solve all [of a company’s] problems”. If you’re looking for a designer who can come up with your identity, design your site, create UIs with great user experience for your web and […]
via fastcompany.com …. As promising as each of these technologies may be, none completely solves the mobile interface dilemma. On our portable devices, it’s still too difficult to input large piles of text, to work with complex graphics, or to otherwise manipulate data as we’re used to on our desktops. “In many ways, this is […]
via mediaqueri.es Dangerous… I can see hours of fun checking out these responsive web sites! As Tommy Lewis @tommylee suggested humorously, great for a date! Lol…
via influxinsights.com That’s pretty ingenious, engaging the viewers of MadMen with an upcoming episode, as if we were brought back in time. Love it!
My Competitive Advantage: I Hire Artists – ChrisAshworth.org. When I read the above article the first time, via my friend, <a href=”http://rachaelashe.com/2011/03/07/hire-me-hire-an-artist/”>Rachael Ashe</a>’s website, it had me feeling emotional. Second time around, it still pulls at my heart strings. His observations acknowledged how I often felt whenever my work overran my creative needs. I am an […]
via boxesandarrows.com This one is for me, learning more about the Agile Process, as in my UX experiences in a different industry, Agile isn’t the common word in development of products. So much to learn, love it 🙂
via boxesandarrows.com Great case study example showing the holistic workflow and methodologies used in the redesign and development of a large scale website.
Whitney Hess is an independent user experience designer, writer and consultant based in New York City. She authors the blog Pleasure and Pain. When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. I try to follow it up quickly by saying that I make stuff easy and […]
via fastcompany.com Very interesting read on advertising vs. ethics, and how the writer predicts for a rise in the importance of ethics in a company’s brand strategy. Yay! It’s about time I think. As the social media tools leads us all into being more transparent , forcing authenticity to matter in the forefront, ethics is […]
Taken at Emily Carr University of Art & Design
First day of 38. Solo night out with the Perseids, a set on Flickr. It’s been a busy fall. I meant to share this with you soon after. Well, it’s better late than never at this point ;)… Via Flickr: For my 38th, filled with anticipation of a better year, I decided to spend it […]
via urbandiner.ca For many years I’ve been introducing to new friends and old some of my Chinese heritage by the way of food and culture. One of my favorite is the Chinese Autumn Moon Festival or Harvest Moon Festival. It’s a tradition based on history and tales, but ultimately, it’s about bringing friends and family […]
via looseaffiliates.com If you haven’t had the chance to check out Loose Affiliates‘ Picnurbia, please do. An engaging and interactive piece of public art that ‘provides a new experience of urban picnicking’. It’s great to see more public art within Vancouver, and that they are engaging the audience to be part of it 🙂 It’s […]