Kaishin Chu

Category: Experience Design

Service Design & Organizational Coaching

I began my career designing and developing high-performance apparel products while assisting in the broader needs of the companies I’ve worked for, such as organizational development, change management and culture cultivation. Due to developing a broad set of skills and interests, it was a natural transition for me to move towards solving challenges within in-house […]

Experience Mapping for Service Design

Last week we ran our January Service Design Meetup with the topic being on Experience Mapping. I had wanted to introduce Service Design scope of experience mapping, how it includes a wider and more in-depth scope than what UX generally focuses on, the next tier up. This was to help those new to Service Design […]

An exciting 2015 with Service Design in Vancouver

This year, I’m hoping to facilitate hosting of all 3 service design jams here in Vancouver in conjunction with our Service Design Vancouver meetup group. It will be a full plate, but definitely a rewarding one! First official jam that will take place is the Global Service Jam, so stay posted for more news. So far just the […]

Embedding Experience Design into Corporate Culture

A great article was share via our UX Design Therapy FB group page today, thanks goes to David for sharing it. It talks about what the tipping point for experience design means, when the methodologies are embedded into the day to day strategies and decision making processes. On how to get beyond the tipping point, I particularly loved […]

Creativity and Collaboration

A great article on the merits of making cross connections when creative intellects collaborate in problem solving. Isaac Asimov Asks, “How Do People Get New Ideas? Published for the First Time: a 1959 Essay by Isaac Asimov on Creativity | MIT Technology Review.

Listen to the Customer

A good article found on the Wall Street Journal, on the importance of listening to the customer = Experience Design. Founders need a way to make great design become automatic, and there’s only one way I’ve found to do that reliably: invest time in listening to your customers. Full Article here:Braden Kowitz: Why You Should […]

Service Design & Cultural Innovation

This article is spot on. It makes my heart beam, I’ll be including it to potential clients for a great read to help reinforce the importance of Service Design. Service design is famously difficult to define and like most important things is something that is neither new nor totally unfamiliar. But just as product design […]

Empathy & Engagement in the World of Design

Back in 2011, I attended The Design Thinking UnConference that was held in Vancouver, at the Emily Carr campus on Granville Island. I had been intrigued by the term, Design Thinking, it sounded like something that I did all the time, 24/7, yet it was a terminology that seemed vague to many, including myself . […]

Comics and UX, Part 1: Cross-disciplinary Techniques | UX Booth

via uxbooth.com Love the comparison here, showing the commonalities of cross-disciplinary techniques. It brings to mind my experience as a print catalogue designer. I also did mock-ups by hand sketch (of the layout and actual physical form of the catalogue), draft out the content list (site mapping), then wireframes with illustrator, then using Pagemaker or […]

IxDA Vancouver: Interaction 12 Redux

via vanredux12.eventbrite.com Really looking forward to the recap of the IxDA Interaction 12 presentations today, along with three keynote speakers! Lots to learn 🙂

Ikea's Cardboad Camera, Knäppa

So it seems that the cardboard digital camera is for real! I’ve always greatly appreciated their simplistic design aestetics and this camera shows just how well they do that. It’s interesting to see that this is developed for the social ux part of the business. From what I can see within the video, this means […]

Gamification And UX: Where Users Win Or Lose | Smashing UX Design

via uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com Great article on how to make the web experience unique and fun, applying  gamification.

iOS 5 App Development Seminar

Getting Started & Overview Design Principles The Tools The stages of an iOS App Development Orientation to the Objective-C Language Architecture of an iOS App: Model/View/Controller Layers Overview of Selected FoundationKit Classes: Strings, Arrays & Dictionaries   Popular UI, Frameworks & Distribution Tabs, Lists, Drill Down interfaces, Pickers, Adding Animations, Integrating with the Calendar, Accessing the Camera, […]

Digital Storytelling in Vancouver… Let's Collaborate to Innovate

For the last few months I’ve been meeting with a team of folks, Todd Sieling & Tylor Sherman of Denim & Steel, and John Wellwood of Echo Memoirs on how to better accomplish story telling in the digital format, to still have as much purpose and engagement as the traditional person-to-person storytelling methods. Our small group grew out of the […]

Bringing User Centered Design to the Agile Environment – Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design

via boxesandarrows.com This one is for me, learning more about the Agile Process, as in my UX experiences in a different industry, Agile isn’t the common word in development of products. So much to learn, love it 🙂

10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

Whitney Hess is an independent user experience designer, writer and consultant based in New York City. She authors the blog Pleasure and Pain. When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. I try to follow it up quickly by saying that I make stuff easy and […]

The Future Of Ethics In Branding | Fast Company

via fastcompany.com Very interesting read on advertising vs. ethics, and how the writer predicts for a rise in the importance of ethics in a company’s brand strategy. Yay! It’s about time I think. As the social media tools leads us all into being more transparent , forcing authenticity to matter in the forefront, ethics is […]

Why Does Interaction Design Matter?

Why Does Interaction Design Matter? Let’s Look At The Evolving Subway Experience | Co. Design via fastcodesign.com Thanks to my Experience Design instructor, Todd Seiling, who shared this article with our class. I’m glad to hear about IxD becoming better recognized. It’s a new terminology for many, even for me, I’ve only heard the term […]